Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Beasiswa Luar Negeri Terbaru, KGSP Graduate Scholarships, Keimyung University, Korea

Beasiswa Luar Negeri Terbaru, KGSP Graduate Scholarships, Keimyung University, Korea

KGSP Application (University Quota)
Period: February 1 ~ March 22, 2013
KGSP Program Coordinator: Youngwook Woo (Ms)
Address: Administration Office of Graduate School
Keimyung University
1095 Dalgubeoldaero Daegu 704-701, KOREA
Tel. 82-53-580-6254
Fax. 82-53-580-6255
E-Mail :
On-Campus Residence Halls
  • Priority to enter on-campus residence halls are given to international students and the university provides 50% discount of management fee for KGSP scholars
  • Facilities in the residence halls: internet zone, study room, praying room, laundry room, fitness center, table tennis courts, multi-purpose outdoor playground for soccer and basketball and a kiosk.
On-campus Facilities
  • International lounge where international students can participate in inter-cultural events and meet new friends.
  • Meditation room (Praying room)
  • Korean Language Institute, Dongsan Library, Hengso Museum, Keimyung Art Center, Keimyung Hankakchon (Korean cultural village) and an on-campus clinic
  • Reading room for graduate students

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Beasiswa dalam Negeri Terbaru, Beasiswa SMA Sampoerna Academy Bogor – Putera Sampoerna Foundation

Beasiswa dalam Negeri Terbaru, Beasiswa SMA Sampoerna Academy Bogor – Putera Sampoerna Foundation

Program Bantuan Pendidikan Sampoerna Academy SMA Sampoerna (Sampoerna Academy), Kampus Bogor
Pendidikan Bertaraf Internasional Berasrama Tahun Akademis 2013/2016
Tentang SMA Sampoerna (Sampoerna Academy) Kampus Bogor, Journey Bersama Sampoerna Academy & Program Bantuan Pendidikan Sampoerna Academy
SMA Sampoerna AcademySMA Sampoerna (Sampoerna Academy), Kampus Bogordidirikan sebagai bentuk upaya Putera Sampoerna Foundation untuk dapat memenuhi kebutuhan Indonesia akan adanya pendidikan bertaraf internasional yang berkualitas dan dapat dinikmati oleh seluruh lapisan masyarakat di seluruh Indonesia.
Setelah lulus dari sekolah ini, diharapkan nantinya siswa dapat menjadi calon pemimpin masa depan Indonesia yang kompeten, berwawasan internasional dan bermoral, melalui program pendidikan holistik yang bertaraf internasional dan pendidikan asrama. Kombinasi antara kurikulum internasional dari Cambridge University (IGCSE) dan kurikulum nasional (KTSP), didukung oleh pendidikan asrama (boarding education) merupakan salah satu keunggulan yang ditawarkan oleh sekolah ini. Siswa akan tinggal di asrama yang disediakan oleh sekolah, sehingga waktu yang tersedia dapat membuat siswa mempunyai nilai-nilai toleransi dan menghormati perbedaan, jiwa sosial yang tinggi terhadap lingkungan sekitar, tanggung jawab terhadap diri sendiri, nasionalis dan patriotik terhadap negara, berbudi luhur, berintegritas, berjiwa kepemimpinan yang baik, dan jujur.
Selain itu, siswa juga akan mendapatkan pelatihan-pelatihan yang akan berguna bagi siswa setelah mereka lulus dari sekolah ini, seperti life skills (kecakapan hidup), program kepemimpinan, program pelayanan masyarakat, pelatihan keuangan bagi siswa, dan lain-lain.

Siswa SMA Sampoerna (Sampoerna Academy), Kampus Bogor merupakan siswa terbaik yang dipilih dari seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Diharapkan para siswa dapat saling berinteraksi dengan latar belakang yang berbeda, sesuai dengan nilai-nilai yang tersebut di atas.
Adapun keunggulan lain dari sekolah ini adalah penggunaan Bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa pengantar untuk mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris, Matematika, Fisika, Biologi, Kimia, Ekonomi dan TIK/ICT. Kemampuan berbahasa Inggris akan sangat membantu setiap siswa dalam mengikuti proses pembelajaran mata pelajaran tersebut, tetapi bukan syarat mutlak untuk mendaftar.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Beasiswa Dalam Negeri Terbaru, Beasiswa Supersemar – Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII)

Beasiswa Dalam Negeri Terbaru, Beasiswa Supersemar – Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII)

Persyaratan yang harus dipenuhi untuk mengajukan Beasiswa Supersemar Tahun 2013 sbb:

  • Pemohon adalah mahasiswa yang duduk di minimal semester III, maksimal semester X
  • Memiliki Indeks Prestasi Kumulatif (IPK) minimal 2,50
  • Surat keterangan penghasilan orang tua
  • Tidak berstatus penerima beasiswa atau sedang mengajukan beasiswa lain
  • Mengajukan surat permohonan beasiswa Supersemar tahun 2013
  • Surat Rekomendasi Dekan
  • Surat Keterangan tidak mampu dari pejabat yang berwenang
  • Transkrip nilai terbaru yang sudah disyahkan
  • Fotocopy kartu Mahasiswa sebanyak 1 lembar

Beasiswa Luar Negeri Terbaru, Master Scholarships for International Students, University of Skövde, Sweden

Beasiswa Luar Negeri Terbaru, Master Scholarships for International Students, University of Skövde, Sweden

The University of Skövde offers some scholarships to students who are attending a Master’s programme at our University. If you are an exchange student, please contact your home university for information about which scholarships they provide.

Scholarships for international master’s students liable for tuition fees
The University of Skövde has some scholarships to students attending a Master’s programme at our university. The scholarships are tuition fee waivers of SEK 60 000 / year (50% of the tuition fee), and the amount will be deducted from the tuition fee when you receive the invoice. The scholarship granting criterion is academic merits. The scholarship can only be awarded to tuition paying students. Please note that you have to be able to finance the rest of the tuition fee yourself and to cover all the living expenses during your stay in Sweden.

If you want to apply for a scholarship at the University of Skövde please fill in the Scholarship Application Form. Please read the information below with the list of countries (categories 1 and 2) before you apply for a scholarship.

The deadline for the autumn semester 2013 scholarship applications will be analyzed in two batches:
  • Scholarship applications received until March 25th
  • Scholarship applications received from March 26th to May 1st

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Beasiswa Luar Negeri Terbaru, KGSP Graduate Scholarships, Cheongju University, Korea

Beasiswa Luar Negeri Terbaru, KGSP Graduate Scholarships, Cheongju University, Korea

Campus Life
  • All successful applicants will be given a chance to live in the dormitory. Students can select their own living places if they choose.
  • Aside from the dormitory staff, administrative staff member of the Office of Int’l Affairs and Korean Language teachers will stay in the dormitory to support you.
  • Three twin rooms are in one apartment each. You will share the apartment among six students, and your roommate will be a Korean student.
  • Facilities. Dormitory cafeteria, communal kitchen(free of charge), snack store, convenience store, gym.
  • Cost: 185,000 KRW (165 USD) per month in (Fall semester of 2012)
  • Buddy Program. 1:1 buddies with Korean students to help your stay in CJU and enhance your Korean language and knowledge of Korean culture.
  • Mentoring Program. Students starting their regular courses will be matched in groups of 5 foreign students. A Korean student will be in charge of each group, acting as guide for student life at CJU.
  • Korean Language Program Attendance. KGSP students are allowed to attend Korean Language program during free periods, free of charge.
Important Notes
Eligibility for Application
  1. Common eligibility
    • All applicants must be eligible for the 2013 KGSP program, and have at least a TOPIK Level 3 before beginning their courses.
    • Masters’ applicants must have an undergraduate degree from a 4-year university while Doctorate applicants should have a Master’s degree from an authorized institution.
  2. Required Documentation. Original copy of all documents required by the NIIED for the KGSP program application.
  3. Selection Procedure
    • Document screening and interviews will be conducted for evaluation.
    • The Division of Arts and Sports can ask for performance tests. Each candidate will be notified if this is the case.

Friday, February 15, 2013

beasiswa Terbaru, University of Adelaide Student Exchange Program – Gadjah Mada University

beasiswa Terbaru, University of Adelaide Student Exchange Program – Gadjah Mada University

The University of Adelaide has 7 Endeavour Student Exchange Awards, each worth A$ 5,000 for UGM students to spend a semester as an exchange student at the University of Adelaide transferable to your UGM degree. This program is eligible for all undergraduatestudents in the following areas:
  • Engineering, Computer, and Mathematical Sciences: computer science, engineering, mathematics
  • Health Sciences: dentistry, medicine, nursing, psychology
  • Humanities and Social Sciences: history, politics, music, social sciences
  • Professions: architecture, business, economics, education, law
  • Sciences: agriculture, chemistry, earth, and environmental sciences, molecular science, physics, veterinary science
The areas in which you can study can be found here. Information on individual courses (subjects), syllabus information and class details also can be found in the Course Planner.
The scholarship will meet nearly all your cost for one semester, but you will need to find at least Rp. 6.000.000 or preferable Rp 10.000.000 to 20.000.000 for visa administration fee, medical test for visa, health insurance for 1 semester, return airfare, and living costs for 5 months @ A$270/week.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Beasiswa Dalam Negeri Terbaru, Undergraduate Scholarships from PT Thiess Contractors Indonesia

Beasiswa Dalam Negeri Terbaru, Undergraduate Scholarships from PT Thiess Contractors Indonesia

Through TCI Undergraduate Program, PT Thiess Contractors Indonesia is offering selected university students, an opportunity to receive scholarship and to build a professional career together with PT Thiess Contractors Indonesia.
What Does It Take?
To apply for PT Thiess Contractors Indonesia Undergraduate Program, the following qualifications should be fulfilled:
  1. A current undergraduate student who will be in their 6th semester in 2013 from (but not limited to) the following discipline:
    • Accounting
    • Civil Engineering
    • Electrical Engineering
    • Environmental Engineering
    • Finance
    • Geodetic Engineering
    • Geology Engineering
    • Law
    • Industrial Engineering
    • Information Technology
    • Management
    • Mechanical Engineering
    • Mining Engineering
    • Occupational Health and Safety
    • Psychology
  2. Minimum GPA is 2.80 out of 4.00
  3. Not currently receiving scholarships from any other institution or organization after being selected as TCI Undergraduate

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Beasiswa Luar Negeri Terbaru , MI 35th Anniversary Bass Scholarship, Musicians Institute, USA

Beasiswa Luar Negeri Terbaru , MI 35th Anniversary Bass Scholarship, Musicians Institute, USA

The MI 35th Anniversary Bass Scholarship, will be awarded in Spring 2013 to a student enrolling in the Associate of Arts in Performance (Bass) Program (US or non-US citizen) who demonstrates outstanding musicianship and versatility.
The scholarship is applicable for students enrolled in the Bass Performance Program only, and may not be transferred to “non-performance program” emphases (Audio Engineering, Music Business, Independent Artist, Guitar Craft, or Film) within an AA degree.
To be considered for an MI 35th Anniversary Bass Scholarship, you must take the following steps:
  • Complete an MI 35th Anniversary Bass Scholarship application (see application download instructions below).
  • Submit a video recording (DVD format only) of you performing three (3) stylistically diverse songs on your instrument. It is recommended that this include two (2) live ensemble (band or duo) performances, and one (1) solo piece in various styles. You may use electric and/or acoustic bass.
$3,000.00 tuition credit ($1,500.00 per quarter for the first two consecutive quarters of the program. Awardee must maintain enrollment at 12 units (fulltime status) during the full length of award period. Failure to maintain enrollment and satisfactory academic progress in the Bass Program for the full duration of the scholarship may result in withdrawal of the award.
Application Deadline
For programs beginning: Spring 2013
Submit application by: March 1, 2013

Beasiswa Dalam Negeri Terbaru, Beasiswa PPA & BBM – Universitas Indonesia (UI)

Beasiswa Dalam Negeri Terbaru, Beasiswa PPA & BBM – Universitas Indonesia (UI)

Dengan ini kami sampaikan penawaran beasiswa PPA-BBMTahun Akademik 2013-2014 untuk Progam S1 Reguler dan Vokasi.
Berikut ini adalah persyaratan dan kelengkapan berkas yang harus dipenuhi.
  1. Surat Rekomendasi dari Fakultas
  2. Transkrip nilai terakhir
  3. Fotokopi Kartu Mahasiswa
  4. Fotokopi Kartu Keluarga
  5. Fotokopi halaman muka buku tabungan atas nama sendiri
  6. Melampirkan slip penghasilan orang tua yang disyahkan oleh pihak berwenang atau keterangan penghasilan yang diketahui oleh ketua Rt/Rw Kelurahan bagi pendaftaran PPA
  7. Surat Keterangan tidak mampu atau layak mendapatkan bantuan yang dikeluarkan oleh Kelurahan setempat bagi pendaftar BBM
  8. Mengisi formulir pernyataan bukan perokok aktif
  9. Membuat surat pernyatakan sedang tidak menerima beasiswa dari sumber lain yang diketahui oleh Manajer Kemahasiswaan fakultas
  10. Harus melampirkan foto copy nomor rekening BNI atas nama mahasiswa penerima (tidak diwakilkan);
  11. Bukan perokok aktif dengan mengisi surat pernyataan;
  12. Mengisi formulir yang sudah disediakan.

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