Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Beasiswa Terbaru luar Negeri, Kamran Djam Scholarships, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, UK

Beasiswa Terbaru luar Negeri, Kamran Djam Scholarships, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, UK

Thanks to the generosity of the Fereydoun Djam Charitable Trust there are a number of Kamran Djam scholarships available for UK/EU and Overseas fee-paying SOAS students, providing a contribution towards fees of between £3,000 and £13,000 each year for the duration of the award. The MPhil/PhD scholarship is paid for 3 years. The MA is paid for one year (or two years if part-time). The Undergraduate scholarship is paid for one year.
Eligible Programmes
  • SOAS undergraduates entering their final year in 2013/14, studying BA Persian
  • SOAS undergraduates entering their final year in 2013/14, studying BA Persian and another subject.
  • Full-time or part-time MA Iranian Studies starting in 2013/14
  • Full-time MPhil PhD (new admissions only) in the following subject areas: Persian Language, Persian Literature, Iranian History starting in 2013/14
Candidate Criteria
  • BA Applicants entering their final year in 2013/14 must expect to be awarded a first class Honours Degree. Applicants who expect an upper second class degree may also apply, but will not be given preference.
  • MA Applicants must possess or expect to be awarded a First Class Honours Degree or equivalent. Applicants with a non UK masters degree must be in the top rank as evidenced by references and transcripts. Applicants with a 2.1 may also apply but will not be given preference.
  • MPhil/PhD applicants must possess or expect to be awarded a masters degree with a mark of Distinction from a UK university. Applicants with a non UK masters degree must be in the top rank as evidenced by references and transcripts. Applicants with a mark of merit may also apply but will not be given preference.
  • The scholarship is open to UK/EU and overseas fee-paying full time students.
  • For MPhil/PhD & MA applicants only, applicants must have an offer of admission to a Research programme or to the MA Iranian Studies at SOAS by the scholarship application deadline.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Beasiswa Terbaru Luar Negeri 2013, La Trobe Business School Master of Management Scholarship, La Trobe University, Australia

Beasiswa Terbaru Luar Negeri 2013, La Trobe Business School Master of Management Scholarship, La Trobe University, Australia

Who is eligible?
Applicants must satisfy all entry requirements and should have an indicative GPA of 70% or above from their UG degree.
How to apply
  1. Send your completed Scholarship Application Form (PDF 80KB) to Christine Watson, Assistant to the Associate Director, International Marketing and Recruitment, at
  2. Wait for your scholarship award letter to be sent to you (via email).
  3. Send both your scholarship acceptance and offer acceptance to your Admissions Case Officer (contact details will be provided) by the acceptance deadline indicated in your scholarship award letter.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Beasiswa Terbaru 2013, D’Addario Guitar Scholarship, Musicians Institute, USA

Beasiswa Terbaru 2013, D’Addario Guitar Scholarship, Musicians Institute, USA

The D’Addario Guitar Scholarship, sponsored by The D’Addario Music Foundation, is awarded each Fall and Spring to students enrolling in the Associate of Arts in Performance (Guitar) program who demonstrate overall outstanding musicianship and stylistic versatility. The scholarship is applicable for students enrolled in the Guitar performance program only, and may not be transferred to a non-performance program emphases (Audio Engineering, Music Business, Independent Artist, Guitar Craft, or Film) within an AA degree.
To be considered for a D’Addario Guitar Scholarship, you must take the following steps:
  • Complete a D’Addario Guitar Scholarship application (see application download instructions below).
  • Submit a video recording (DVD format only) of you performing three (3) diverse songs (in any style on your instrument). It is recommended that this include two (2) live ensemble (band or duo) performances, and one (1) solo piece. You may use electric and/or acoustic guitars.

Monday, May 6, 2013

beasiswa Dalam Negeri Terbaru, Beasiswa S1, Djarum Beasiswa Plus, Indonesia

beasiswa Dalam Negeri Terbaru, Beasiswa S1, Djarum Beasiswa Plus, Indonesia

Kami menyadari, pendidikan merupakan salah satu upaya untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat dan bangsa dalam mewujudkan masa depan yang lebih baik.
Oleh sebab itu, sejak tahun 1984, Djarum Beasiswa Plus secara konsisten berperan aktif memajukan pendidikan melalui pembudayaan dan pemberdayaan mahasiswa berprestasi tinggi, dalam berbagai pelatihan soft skills untuk membentuk manusia Indonesia yang disiplin, mandiri dan berwawasan masa depan serta menjadi pemimpin yang cakap intelektual, emosional dan spiritual.
Para calon penerima Djarum Beasiswa Plus tersebut diseleksi secara ketat dan harus memenuhi persyaratan IQ dan EQ sehingga mereka memiliki kecerdasan emosional dalam proses meraih prestasi.
Selain mendapat bantuan biaya pendidikan, para penerima Djarum Beasiswa Plus (Beswan Djarum) juga menerima manfaat lain berupa program pelatihan soft skills, yang merupakan kelebihan dari Program Djarum Beasiswa Plus, yaitu dengan mengikuti kegiatan Nation BuildingCharacter BuildingLeadership DevelopmentCompetition ChallengesInternational Exposure dan Community Empowerment. Tujuannya tidak lain agar para Beswan Djarum kelak bisa menjadi manusia Indonesia yang disiplin, mandiri dan berwawasan masa depan sebagai calon pemimpin bangsa.
Melewati usia seperempat abad lebih program ini berjalan, sudah ada 7777 mahasiswa-mahasiswi dari 98 Perguruan Tinggi Negeri dan Swasta di Indonesia telah menerima Djarum Beasiswa Plus.
Djarum Foundation, melalui Program Djarum Beasiswa Plus, akan terus konsisten dan berusaha menjaga komitmen demi tercapainya masa depan yang penuh cita-cita luhur. Sebuah semangat yang tak akan pernah berhenti untuk terus melahirkan generasi berprestasi.
Para penerima Djarum Beasiswa Plus mendapatkan dana beasiswa sebesar Rp 750.000,- setiap bulan selama 1 tahun.
Selain dana beasiswa, para penerima Djarum Beasiswa Plus (Beswan Djarum) juga mendapatkan pembekalan berbagai macam soft skills, guna menyerasikan antara pencapaian akademik (hard skills) yang diperoleh di kampus dengan berbagai ketrampilan agar para Beswan Djarum dikemudian hari menjadi manusia yang cakap intelegensia dan emosional.
Kegiatan soft skills yang diberikan diantaranya:
Nation Building
Menguatkan wawasan kebangsaan Beswan Djarum tentang makna dan hakekat bangsa dan kebangsaan, melalui rangkaian acara talk show dan diskusi kebangsaan, cultural visit, serta pagelaran kesenian. Wawasan kebangsaan ini dibutuhkan Beswan Djarum sebagai bentuk kepercayaan diri dan rasa hormat diri sebagai bagian dari bangsa yang mampu bersaing dengan bangsa-bangsa lain di dunia.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Beasiswa Dala Negeri Terupdate, Beasiswa Unggulan Magister Ilmu Lingkungan – Universitas Padjadjaran (UNPAD)

Beasiswa Dala Negeri Terupdate, Beasiswa Unggulan Magister Ilmu Lingkungan – Universitas Padjadjaran (UNPAD)

Program Studi Magister Ilmu Lingkungan Program Pascasarjana Unpad menawarkan beasiswa bagi lulusan S1 dari berbagai bidang disiplin ilmu dengan IPK minimal 3,4 dan TOEFL ITP minimal 500 untuk mengikuti pendidikan jenjang S2 Ilmu Lingkungan konsentrasi ‘Manajemen Sumber Daya Alam dan Lingkungan’. Beasiswa hanya disediakan untuk biaya pendidikan, tidak termasuk untuk biaya hidup selama studi.
Persyaratan :
  1. Fotocopy ijazah dan transkrip yang telah dilegalisir (2 lembar)
  2. Sertifikat Toefl (ITP) dengan nilai minimal 500
  3. Mengisi Form Beasiswa Unggulan dan surat pernyataan yang dapat di download di
  4. Daftar Riwayat Hidup
  5. Surat Rekomendasi
  6. Motivation letter dalam bahasa inggris
  7. 4 lembar pas foto ukuran 4 x 6
  8. Proposal Penelitian

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Beasiswa Luar Negeri Terbaru, PhD Position in Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling, University of Strasbourg, France

Beasiswa Luar Negeri Terbaru, PhD Position in Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling, University of Strasbourg, France

A 3-year funded PhD position for an excellent student is available in the field of Computer Graphics and Geometric Modeling at the University of Strasbourg(France), ICube Lab.
Title: Reconstruction and visualization of digitized 3D objects from scans and photographs
Host research team: Computer Graphics and Geometry group (IGG)
  • Jean-Michel Dischler, Professor in Computer Science at the University of Strasbourg (dischler AT unistra DOT fr)
  • Remi Allegre, Associate Professor in Computer Science at the University of Strasbourg (allegre AT unistra DOT fr)
Starting date: September 2013
Ending date: 3 years from the starting date
Funding: The net salary will be about 1500 euros per month
Location: Strasbourg area, France
Current 3D acquisition technologies can deliver highly accurate data on the shape of real-world objects. Despite the recent advances in the field of geometry processing and 3D reconstruction, producing complete and defect-free multi-scale geometric models of objects that are as complex as pieces of artwork or buildings still cannot be achieved in a full automatic way, which hampers massive scanning campaigns. Standard 3d reconstruction techniques often require a large amount of user interaction to adjust parameters or to perform corrections, which essentially rely on some visual criteria. The recent advances of 2D/3D registration techniques open up new lines of research to bring solutions to the problem of automatically reconstructing complete and multi-scale accurate 3D models with few constraints on the acquisition process. The goal of this thesis is to develop a technique that takes benefit from the information obtained from a set of photographs to evaluate and improve the reconstruction of 3D models from 3D scans. This technique will be based on a novel metric that allows to compare a calibrated set of photographs to a set of 3D scans. This technique will be studied in conjunction with a representation making it possible to visualize complex reconstructed models in real-time. The implementation will be achieved in C++ and it will be incorporated into the digitization software of the IGG group.

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